Using Google Cloud SDK CLI Tools for managing GCP resources
How to install Google Cloud SDK (Windows Platform)
- Login to the machine using privileged account.
- Install Google Cloud SDK, as instructed below:
- Run the following from command prompt to initialize the Cloud SDK:
- gcloud init --console-only
- Select a GCP project from the list
- Select a default Compute region and zone
How to install Google Cloud SDK (RHEL / CentOS Platform)
- Login to the machine using privileged account.
- Install Google Cloud SDK, as instructed below:
- Run the following command to initialize the Cloud SDK:
- gcloud init --console-only
- Select a GCP project from the list
- Select a default Compute region and zone
Common PowerShell commands for GCP
- Login to Google Cloud Platform:
- gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser
- List all active GCP accounts:
- gcloud auth list
- Change the active account:
- gcloud config set account <Account_Name>
- Note: Replace <Account_Name> with the target GCP account
- Lists all available GCP projects:
- gcloud projects list
- Change the GCP project:
- gcloud config set project “<Project_ID>”
- Note: Replace <Project_ID> with the target GCP project ID
- List available networks:
- gcloud compute networks list
- Create a new network:
- gcloud compute networks create my-network
- Note: Replace my-network with the relevant network name
- Delete a network:
- gcloud compute networks delete my-network
- Note: Replace my-network with the relevant network name
- List available subnets:
- gcloud compute networks subnets list
- Create a new subnet:
- gcloud compute networks subnets create my-subnet --network=my-network --range=<Subnet address prefix CIDR> --region=region-name
- Note 1: The above commands should be written as a single line
- Note 2: Replace my-subnet with your own subnet name (in lower-case)
- Note 3: Replace my-network with the relevant network name
- Note 4: Replace <Subnet address prefix CIDR> with the relevant value (such as
- Note 5: Replace region-name with value from the list below:
- List all available Firewall rules inside a GCP project:
- gcloud compute firewall-rules list
- List settings of a specific Firewall rule:
- gcloud compute firewall-rules describe default-allow-ssh
- Note: Replace default-allow-ssh with the target firewall rule name
- Create a new RDP allow firewall rule:
- gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-rdp --allow tcp:3389 --description="Allow RDP"
- Note 1: The above commands should be written as a single line
- Note 2: Replace allow-rdp with your own rule name (in lower-case)
- Note 3: Replace 3389 with the target port number
- Note 4: Replace "Allow RDP" with your own rule description
- List all available VM instances in the current GCP project:
- gcloud compute instances list
- List available VM instance image types, sorted by Project and Family:
- gcloud compute images list
- List all machine types:
- gcloud compute machine-types list
- Create a new CentOS 7 VM instance:
- gcloud compute instances create my-sample-vm --image-family centos-7 --image-project centos-cloud --zone europe-west2-a
- Note 1: The above commands should be written as a single line
- Note 2: Replace my-sample-vm with the target VM instance hostname
- Note 3: Replace centos-7 with the relevant Image-family
- Note 4: Replace centos-cloud with the relevant Image-project
- Note 5: Replace europe-west2-a with the target zone, from the list:
- Get information about specific VM instance in a specific zone:
- gcloud compute instances describe my-sample-vm --zone europe-west2-a
- Note 1: Replace my-sample-vm with the target VM instance hostname
- Note 2: Replace europe-west2-a with the target zone, from the list:
- Show VM instance power state:
- gcloud compute instances describe my-sample-vm --zone europe-west2-a --format='table(name,status)'
- Note 1: The above commands should be written as a single line
- Note 2: Replace my-sample-vm with the target VM instance hostname
- Note 3: Replace europe-west2-a with the target zone, from the list:
- Start VM instance in a specific zone:
- gcloud compute instances start my-sample-vm --zone europe-west2-a
- Note 1: Replace my-sample-vm with the target VM instance hostname
- Note 2: Replace europe-west2-a with the target zone, from the list:
- Restart VM instance in a specific zone:
- gcloud compute instances reset my-sample-vm --zone europe-west2-a
- Note 1: Replace my-sample-vm with the target VM instance hostname
- Note 2: Replace europe-west2-a with the target zone, from the list:
- Stop VM instance in a specific zone:
- gcloud compute instances stop my-sample-vm --zone europe-west2-a
- Note 1: Replace my-sample-vm with the target VM instance hostname
- Note 2: Replace europe-west2-a with the target zone, from the list: