How to create AWS ParallelCluster with Slurm scheduler

Revision as of 15:16, 29 July 2019 by Eyales (talk | contribs)
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Environment preparation phase within AWS Management Console

  • Login the AWS IAM console:
  • From the left pane, click on Policies -> click on Users -> Add User -> specify the name parallelcluster-user -> Access type: Programmatic access -> click Next: Permissions -> Set permissions -> select a group with “AdministratorAccess” role -> click Next: Tags -> click Next: Review -> click on Create user -> click on Download .csv and keep it in a secured location -> click on Close
  • Follow the instructions below to create a key pair to access the cluster machines:
  • Follow the instructions below to create S3 bucket (with unique name) for storing data to export and import data to/from the FSx Lustre storage:
Note 1: Document the S3 bucket name for use inside the ParallelCluster config file
Note 2: Create a folder called export (in small letters), inside the S3 bucket
  • In-case you wish to create a dedicate VPC and subnet for the HPC cluster, follow the instructions below:
  • Logoff the AWS console

Python installation phase on Linux (Debian / Ubuntu)

  • Login to a Linux machine using SSH, and follow the instructions below to install Python 3:
Note: In-case you already have Python 3 install, use the command below to upgrade to the latest build:
sudo apt-get upgrade python3
  • To install pip3, run the command below:
sudo apt install python3-pip

Python installation phase on Windows

  • Login to a Windows machine using privileged account, and follow the instructions below to install Python 3 and PIP:

AWS ParallelCluster installation phase

  • Run the commands below to install the AWS ParallelCluster:
  • Linux:
sudo pip install aws-parallelcluster
  • Windows:
pip install aws-parallelcluster
  • Run the command below to verify the installed version:
pcluster version
  • Follow the instructions below to install the AWS CLI:
  • Run the command below in-order to configure AWS CLI:
aws configure
  • AWS Access Key ID – Specify the value from the CSV of the previously created IAM user parallelcluster-user
  • AWS Secret Access Key – Specify the value from the CSV of the previously created IAM user parallelcluster-user
  • Default region name – specify a region such as eu-west-1
Full list:
  • Default output format: JSON
  • Run the command below to setup the initial configuration:
pcluster configure
  • Cluster Template: Specify here a custom name for the HPC template (such as HPC Cluster)
  • AWS Region ID: Specify the same region you specified for the aws configure command (such as eu-west-1)
  • VPC Name: Specify the same name as the Cluster Template (such as HPC Cluster)
  • Key Name: Specify the name of the EC2 Key pair previously created
  • VPC ID: Specify the name of the target VPC ID to deploy the HPC cluster into
Note: The full list of VPC’s can be found within the AWS management console:
  • Master Subnet ID: Specify here the name of the target subnet ID to deploy the HPC cluster into
Note: The full list of subnets can be found within the AWS management console:
  • Edit the ParallelCluster config file:
  • Linux: The file is located inside ~/.parallelcluster/config
  • Windows: The file is located inside %UserProfile%\.parallelcluster\config
  • Add the following parameters to the [cluster] section (for a large cluster):
base_os = centos7
master_instance_type = c5n.xlarge
compute_instance_type = c5n.18xlarge
cluster_type = ondemand
initial_queue_size = 2
scheduler = slurm
placement_group = DYNAMIC
enable_efa = compute
fsx_settings = fs
Note: For small cluster, add the following parameters to the [cluster] section:
base_os = centos7
master_instance_type = m4.large
compute_instance_type = m4.large
cluster_type = ondemand
initial_queue_size = 2
max_queue_size = 3
scheduler = slurm
placement_group = DYNAMIC
fsx_settings = fs
  • Add the following entire section to the config file:
[fsx fs]
shared_dir = /fsx
storage_capacity = 3600
imported_file_chunk_size = 1024
export_path = s3://bucket/export
import_path = s3://bucket
weekly_maintenance_start_time = 1:00:00
Note 1: The storage_capacity is the size of the FSx Lustre storage in GB
Note 2: Replace the value of bucket with the previously S3 bucket name
  • Run the command below to deploy the new cluster:
pcluster create mycluster
Note: Replace mycluster with your target HPC cluster name (without spaces)
  • Go to the CloudFormation console to view the deployment status:
  • Wait for the cluster deployment to complete.
  • Document the MasterPublicIP and ClusterUser.

Increase EC2 service limit

  • In-case you need to increase the EC2 service limit (for example number of EC2 instances from a specific instance type), follow the instructions below:

Connecting to the HPC cluster (from Linux Machine)

  • Run the command below to connect using SSH to the master server:
pcluster ssh mycluster -i /path/to/keyfile.pem
Note 1: Replace mycluster with the previously create cluster name
Note 2: Replace /path/to/keyfile.pem with the actual path and key file name
  • Run the command below to verify the state of the cluster:

Connecting to the HPC cluster (from Windows Machine)

  • Download puttygen.exe from:
  • Run the puttygen.exe
  • Click on “Load” -> change the file extension from “Putty Private key files” to “All Files” -> locate the private key pair and click on Open -> click on OK -> click on “Save private key” -> click on “Yes” -> save the private key file with PPK extension -> close puttygen.exe
  • Download Putty from:
  • Run putty.exe
  • From the left pane, under “Connection” -> expand SSH -> click on “Auth” -> from the main pane, under “Authentication parameters”, click on “Browse” -> locate the SSH private key generated by puttygen.exe
  • From the left pane, click on “Session” -> from the main pane, under “Host Name (or IP address)” specify the following:
Note 1: Replace user with the previously documented ClusterUser value
Note 2: Replace IP_Address with the previously documented MasterPublicIP
  • Under “Saved Sessions”, specify a name for this newly created connection.
  • Click on Save
  • Click on Open
  • Run the command below to verify the state of the cluster:

Common actions to control the cluster

  • Displays a list of stacks that are associated with AWS ParallelCluster:
pcluster list
  • Displays a list of all instances in a cluster:
pcluster instances mycluster
Note: Replace mycluster with the previously create cluster name
  • View the current status of the cluster:
pcluster status mycluster
Note: Replace mycluster with the previously create cluster name
  • Updates a running cluster by using the values in the configuration file:
pcluster update mycluster -c ~/.parallelcluster/config
Note 1: Replace mycluster with the previously create cluster name
Note 2: Replace ~/.parallelcluster/config with the target config file location
  • Stops the compute fleet, leaving the master node running:
pcluster stop mycluster
Note: Replace mycluster with the previously create cluster name
  • Starts the compute fleet for a cluster that has been stopped:
pcluster start mycluster
Note: Replace mycluster with the previously create cluster name

Delete AWS ParallelCluster

  • In-case you wish to keep the AWS ParallelCluster master node static IP, login to the AWS console:
  • From the left pane, click on Elastic IPs -> select the public IP of the master node -> Actions -> Disassociate address
  • From command prompt (the same machine you used the pcluster commands), run the command below to delete the cluster:
pcluster delete mycluster
Note: Replace mycluster with the previously create cluster name

Important notes regarding shared storage

  • Long term data must be stored inside S3 bucket
  • The Amazon FSx for Lustre storage (mount /fsx) will be used for the duration of the compute job


  • Getting started with AWS ParallelCluster:
  • Setting Up AWS ParallelCluster
  • Install AWS ParallelCluster in a Virtual Environment
  • A Scientist's Guide to Cloud-HPC: Example with AWS ParallelCluster, Slurm, Spack, and WRF
  • Launch your first sample HPC environment on AWS and review important concepts along the way
  • AWS ParallelCluster Wiki:
  • Deploying an Elastic HPC Cluster
  • Scale HPC Workloads with Elastic Fabric Adapter and AWS ParallelCluster
  • Adding support for FSx for Lustre:
  • Getting Started with Amazon FSx for Lustre
  • Amazon FSx for Lustre Lustre User Guide