Using PowerShell for managing AWS resources
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How to configure PowerShell for managing AWS resources (Windows platform)
- Login to the machine using privileged account.
- Follow the instructions below to install the latest build of PowerShell:
- From command prompt, run the command below to invoke PowerShell:
- pwsh
- Note: You need to run cmd.exe or pwsh.exe as administrator.
- Run the command below to find out the current PowerShell version:
- $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
- In-case you currently have version older than 5.1, follow the article below to locate the download URL for upgrading to the latest version of PowerShell:
- Run the commands below to install AWS tools for PowerShell:
- Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Common -AllowClobber -Force
- Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Installer -Force
- Run the commands below to update to the latest AWS PowerShell module:
- Update-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Common -Force
- Update-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Installer -Force
- To view the installed versions of AWS PowerShell module, run the command below:
- Get-Module -Name AWS.Tools.* -List | select Name,Version
How to configure PowerShell for managing AWS resources (RHEL/CentOS platform)
- Login to the machine using privileged account.
- Run the command below to register the RedHat 7 or CentOS 7 repository:
- curl | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft.repo
- Run the command below to install PowerShell:
- sudo yum install -y powershell
- From command prompt, run the command below to invoke PowerShell:
- sudo pwsh
- Run the command below to find out the current PowerShell version:
- $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
- Run the commands below to install AWS tools for PowerShell:
- Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Common -AllowClobber -Force
- Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Installer -Force
- Run the commands below to update to the latest AWS PowerShell module:
- Update-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Common -Force
- Update-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Installer -Force
- To view the installed versions of AWS PowerShell module, run the command below:
- Get-Module -Name AWS.Tools.* -List | select Name,Version
How to configure PowerShell for managing AWS resources (Ubuntu 18.04 platform)
- Login to the machine using privileged account.
- Run the command below to register the Ubuntu 18.04 repository:
- wget -q
- sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo add-apt-repository universe
- Run the command below to install PowerShell:
- sudo apt-get install -y powershell
- From command prompt, run the command below to invoke PowerShell:
- pwsh
- Run the command below to find out the current PowerShell version:
- $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
- Run the commands below to install AWS tools for PowerShell:
- Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Common -AllowClobber -Force
- Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Installer -Force
- Run the commands below to update to the latest AWS PowerShell module:
- Update-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Common -Force
- Update-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Installer -Force
- To view the installed versions of AWS PowerShell module, run the command below:
- Get-Module -Name AWS.Tools.* -List | select Name,Version
How to configure PowerShell for managing AWS resources (Debian 10 platform)
- Login to the machine using privileged account.
- Run the command below to register the Debian 10 repository:
- wget
- sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
- sudo apt-get update
- Run the command below to install PowerShell:
- sudo apt-get install -y powershell
- From command prompt, run the command below to invoke PowerShell:
- pwsh
- Run the command below to find out the current PowerShell version:
- $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
- Run the commands below to install AWS tools for PowerShell:
- Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Common -AllowClobber -Force
- Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Installer -Force
- Run the commands below to update to the latest AWS PowerShell module:
- Update-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Common -Force
- Update-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Installer -Force
- To view the installed versions of AWS PowerShell module, run the command below:
- Get-Module -Name AWS.Tools.* -List | select Name,Version
How to configure AWS Account and Access Keys
- Login to the IAM Console:
- From the left pane, click on Users -> click on “Add user” -> specify the user name -> access type: “Programmatic access” -> do not select “AWS Management Console access” -> click “Next: Permissions”
- From the “add user to group”, either select existing group or click on “Create group” -> click “Next: Review” -> click on “Create user”
- Download the CSV file with the “Access key ID” and “Secret access key” and save the CSV file in a secure location
- Click Close
Managing Profiles
- Login to the machine using privileged account.
- From command prompt, run the command below to invoke PowerShell (Windows platform)
- pwsh
- From command prompt, run the command below to invoke PowerShell (Linux platform)
- pwsh
- Run the command below to import the AWSPowerShell.NetCore module:
- import-Module AWSPowerShell.NetCore
- Run the command below to add a new profile:
- Set-AWSCredential -AccessKey <AWS_Access_Key> -SecretKey <AWS_Secret_Key> -StoreAs <Profile_Name>
- Note 1: Replace <AWS_Access_Key> with the relevant value from the CSV file created above.
- Note 2: Replace <AWS_Secret_Key> with the relevant value from the CSV file created above.
- Note 3: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- List all available profiles:
- Get-AWSCredential -ListProfileDetail
- List all available VPC’s in a specific region:
- Get-EC2VPC -Region <Region_Name> -ProfileName <Profile_Name>
- Note 1: Replace <Region_Name> with the target region, from the list below:
- Note 2: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- Example:
- Get-EC2VPC -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName MyProfile
- Create a new VPC inside a specific region:
- New-EC2VPC -CidrBlock <CIDR_Block> -Region <Region_Name> -ProfileName <Profile_Name>
- Note 1: The above command should be written in a single line
- Note 2: Replace <CIDR_Block> with the IPv4 network range for the VPC, in CIDR notation. For example,
- Note 2: Replace <Region_Name> with the target region, from the list below:
- Note 3: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- Example:
- New-EC2VPC -CidrBlock -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName MyProfile
- List all available subnets inside a specific region:
- Get-EC2Subnet -Region <Region_Name> -ProfileName <Profile_Name>
- Note 1: Replace <Region_Name> with the target region, from the list below:
- Note 2: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- Example:
- Get-EC2Subnet -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName MyProfile
- Get information about specific subnet:
- Get-EC2Subnet -SubnetId <Subnet_ID> -Region <Region_Name> -ProfileName <Profile_Name>
- Note 1: The above command should be written in a single line
- Note 2: Replace <Subnet_ID> with the relevant value
- Note 3: Replace <Region_Name> with the target region, from the list below:
- Note 4: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- Example:
- Get-EC2Subnet -SubnetId subnet-101ad84c -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName MyProfile
- List all security groups in a specific region:
- Get-EC2SecurityGroup -Region <Region_Name> -ProfileName <Profile_Name>
- Note 1: Replace <Region_Name> with the target region, from the list below:
- Note 2: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- Example:
- Get-EC2SecurityGroup -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName MyProfile
- Create a new security group inside a specific VPC:
- $groupid = New-EC2SecurityGroup -VpcId <VPC_Name> -GroupName <Security_Group_Name> -GroupDescription <Group_Description> -Region <Region_Name> -ProfileName <Profile_Name>
- Note 1: The above command should be written a single line
- Note 2: Replace <VPC_Name> with the relevant value
- Note 3: Replace <Security_Group_Name> with a unique value (up to 255 characters), as mentioned below:
- Note 4: Replace <Group Description> with relevant value, as mentioned below:
- Note 5: Replace <Region_Name> with the target region, from the list below:
- Note 6: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- Example:
- $groupid = New-EC2SecurityGroup -VpcId "vpc-64c0c61f" -GroupName "myPSSecurityGroup" -GroupDescription "EC2-VPC from PowerShell" -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName cliuser
- Create a new key pair:
- $myPSKeyPair = New-EC2KeyPair -KeyName <Key_Pair_Name> -Region <Region_Name> -ProfileName <Profile_Name>
- Note 1: The above command must be written as a single line
- Note 2: Replace <Key_Pair_Name> with your own key pair name
- Note 3: Replace <Region_Name> with the target region, from the list below:
- Note 4: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- Example:
- $myPSKeyPair = New-EC2KeyPair -KeyName MyKeyPair01 -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName MyProfile
- View a key pair fingerprint:
- Get-EC2KeyPair -KeyName <Key_Pair_Name> -Region <Region_Name> -ProfileName <Profile_Name> | format-list KeyName, KeyFingerprint
- Note 1: The above command must be written as a single line
- Note 2: Replace <Key_Pair_Name> with your own key pair name
- Note 3: Replace <Region_Name> with the target region, from the list below:
- Note 4: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- Example:
- Get-EC2KeyPair -KeyName MyKeyPair01 -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName MyProfile | format-list KeyName, KeyFingerprint
- Storing a private key to a file:
- $myPSKeyPair.KeyMaterial | Out-File -Encoding ascii <Private_Key_Name>.pem
- Note: Replace <Private_Key_Name>.pem with your own value
- List all S3 buckets inside a specific AWS account:
- Get-S3Bucket -ProfileName <Profile_Name>
- Note: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- Get S3 bucket location:
- Get-S3BucketLocation -BucketName <S3_Bucket_Name> -ProfileName <Profile_Name>
- Note 1: Replace <S3_Bucket_Name> with the relevant S3 bucket name
- Note 2: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- Create a new S3 bucket:
- New-S3Bucket -BucketName <S3_Bucket_Name> -Region <Region_Name> -ProfileName <Profile_Name>
- Note 1: The above command must be written as a single line
- Note 2: Replace <S3_Bucket_Name> with a unique value between 3-63 characters (numbers and lower-case letters)
- Note 3: Replace <Region_Name> with the target region, from the list below:
- Note 4: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name
- Example:
- New-S3Bucket -BucketName mys3bucket001 -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName MyProfile
- Remove S3 bucket:
- Remove-S3Bucket -BucketName <S3_Bucket_Name> -ProfileName <Profile_Name>
- Note 1: Replace <S3_Bucket_Name> with the relevant S3 bucket name
- Note 2: Replace <Profile_Name> with your own profile name